Cultural And Historical Information
In tropical countries, papaya is sometimes called ‘the melon that grows on trees’ because by its structure, shape and taste it resembles melon with raspberry flavor. Papaya is actually a berry, although its fruits can be 20-30 inches long and weight up to 22 lb. The fruit is hollow inside, only meat which is 1-2 inches thick is edible. Slightly unripe papaya is hard and green.
The papaya leaf tea health benefits for digestion became known to Europeans in the XVI century. When in 1519, a Spanish conqueror Fernando Cortez reportedly suffered food poisoning somewhere near the Indian city in Mexico, local people made him a drink from papaya, and he quickly set up…
Uses of Papaya Leaves
In general, the papaya leaves have great medicinal potential. Here are only a few examples of organic papaya leaf tea health benefits.
- Dried papaya leaves, milled and mixed with honey, are an excellent remedy for cough and high temperature.
- Fresh papaya leaves, boiled in hot water, are a powerful malaria prophylactic.
- Papaya leaf juice can be applied to open wounds to speed up healing.
- Fresh papaya leaves, chopped and mixed with onions, help strengthen urinary bladder. This is especially useful for those with frequent urination.
- Papaya leaf juice can also be used as a skin cleanser.
- Fresh papaya leaves, cooked with slices of orange, help burn fat. This is a great food for weight loss.
- Raw leaves of this wonderful fruit, eaten at bedtime, act as a powerful aphrodisiac.
- Adding dried papaya leaves to tea helps cope with menstruation cramps.
- Papaya leaf juice is recommended for curing eczema.
Use of Papaya Leaf Tea for Medicinal Purposes
If you ever wondered, how to make green papaya leaf tea, you should keep in mind that papaya tea is prescribed solely for prevention and treatment of various acute and chronic diseases, as its taste is very bitter. It is not recommended as a regular drink. Of course, you can brew papaya tea for several seconds, and then add other herbs to get an unusual and delicious drink, but in this case, its therapeutic effect will be significantly weakened. We recommend that papaya tea should be steeped for 5-30 minutes to obtain a therapeutic effect and for 3-5 minutes to obtain a prophylactic effect. To reduce its bitterness add some honey or fructose.
Contraindications: Do not drink papaya leaf tea during pregnancy and if you are hypersensitive (allergic) to it.
Papaya Leaf Tea for Cancer Treatment
Scientists from the University of Florida have found that papaya leaf tea has an anticancer effect against many tumors, including cervix, lung, breast, liver, pancreas cancer and lymphoma. The leaf extract showed stronger anti-tumor results with the increasing of the tea dose. In addition, to the direct anti-tumor effect, it was reported to stimulate the immune system through the production of anti-tumor molecules – cytokines.
Now it’s time to tell how to prepare papaya leaf tea for cancer treatment.
To prepare a perfect cup of tea, take one tea bag for one cup, and let it steep in freshly boiled water for about 5-10 minutes. Be careful, the bitter comes out when the tea is steeped too long!
The post Amazing Papaya Leaf Tea Benefits appeared first on Papaya Tea Blog.

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